Ich plane schon eine neue Decke, doch das ist noch nicht spruchreif. Aber ich denke, auch die nächste Decke wird super süß.
Nun aber zu dieser Schönheit. Ich habe mich dabei von Tilda, einigen Dekozeitschriften inspirien lassen. Dort sind momentan einfache Fromen in fröhlichen Farben angesagt.
Finally did it a couple of picture. Here is my latest project in the works.
I am already planning a new blanket, but I can´t talk about it jet. But I think the next blanket will be super cute,too.
But now to this beauty. I was assisted by Tilda, Dekozeitschriften some inspiration. There are currently simple Frome colorful announced.
1 Kommentar:
Hallo Christiane!
I love that fabric!
May I propose you to have some fun and let people know you better?
(It seems to be a chain letter...)
I'm asking you to name 6 uninmportant things that you love in a post.
The rules are:
Pick 6 uninmportant things you love, mention & link to the person who tagged you, tag 6 of your favourite bloggers to play along (don't forget to comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged!).
I hope you will join in and like it!
Have a nice day!
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